var make_render = function(html_escape, str_escape) {
var render, render_stmt, render_stmts;
var indentation, prec_stack = [ 0 ];
var assert = function(b, obj) {
if (!b) { console.assert(b, "Assertion failure", obj); }
Hacked-together conversion to HTML.
Expr context is:
<div class="e efirst"><span><span>....</span></span></div>
The outer div is a 100% width block; the inner span is a shrink-to-fit inline-block, then innermost span is an inline-table. Each individual expr components should look like:
<span class="expr ..."><span>....</span></span>
The nested <span>
allows positioning the text relative to the border.
For a new continuation line in an expr, use:
...</span></div><div class="e econt"><span>...
Usually the full markup will look something like:
...<span class="expr binop brokentop">+</span></span></div>
<div class="e econt"><span><span class="expr binop brokenbot">
<!--border image here w/ no text--></span>...
For an embedded function, array, object, etc context in an expr, use:
...</span></div><div class="e enest ..."><span>...
And at the end of the embedded context:
...</span></div><div class="e econt"><span>...
Statements should be of the form:
<div class="stmt ..."><span> ... </span></div>
The outer div is a 100% width block; the inner span is a shrink-to-fit inline-block.
The statement is responsible for its own closing semicolon.
C. Scott Ananian 2010-07-02ish
var make_render = function(html_escape, str_escape) {
var render, render_stmt, render_stmts;
var indentation, prec_stack = [ 0 ];
var assert = function(b, obj) {
if (!b) { console.assert(b, "Assertion failure", obj); }
helper function for delimiter-joined lists
var gather = function(lst, delim, f) {
var i = 0, result = [];
while ( i < lst.length ) {
i += 1;
return result.join(delim);
indentation level
var nl = function() {
var n = indentation, result = "\n";
while (n > 0) {
result += " ";
n -= 1;
return result;
set the precedence to 'prec' when evaluating f
var with_prec = function(prec, f, obj) {
return function() {
var result;
result = f.apply(obj || this, arguments);
return result;
set the precedence, and parenthesize the result if appropriate.
var with_prec_paren = function(prec, f, obj) {
return function() {
var prev_prec = prec_stack[prec_stack.length - 1];
var result = with_prec(prec, f).apply(obj || this, arguments);
if (prev_prec > prec) {
result = span("expr paren", "(" + result + ")");
return result;
var div = function(classes, text) {
if (!classes) return "<div>"+text+"</div>";
return "<div class='"+classes+"'>" + text + "</div>";
var span = function(classes, text) {
if (!classes) return "<span>"+text+"</span>";
return "<span class='"+classes+"'>" + text + "</span>";
var spanned = function(classes, f) {
return function() {
return span(classes, f.apply(this, arguments));
var dispatch = {}; = spanned("expr id", function() { return html_escape(this.value); });
dispatch.literal = spanned("expr lit", function() {
if (this.value === null) { return "null"; }
if (typeof(this.value)==='object') {
if (this.value.length === 0) { return "Array"; }
return "Object";
if (typeof(this.value)==='string') { return html_escape(str_escape(this.value)); }
return this.value.toString();
dispatch.unary = function() {
assert(dispatch.unary[this.value], this);
return dispatch.unary[this.value].apply(this);
var unary = function(op, prec, f) {
dispatch.unary[op] = f || with_prec_paren(prec, function() {
return span("expr unop", this.value) + render(this.first);
unary('!', 70);
unary('-', 70);
unary('typeof', 70, with_prec_paren(70, function() {
return "typeof("+with_prec(0, render)(this.first)+")";
unary('[', 90/*???*/, with_prec_paren(90, function() {
new array creation XXX
return "[" + gather(this.first, ", ", with_prec(0, render)) +
unary('{', 90/*???*/, with_prec_paren(90, function() {
new object creation
var result = span("exprleft newobj", "{");
result += "</span>"+span("connect objconn","")+"</span></div>";
XXX fix "one line" form.
if (this.first.length > 0) {
indentation += 1;
result += nl();
result += "<div class='e enest objnest'><span><span>";
var mid = span("exprend", ",");
mid += "</span></span></div>";
mid += "</span></span></div>" + nl();
mid += "<div class='e enest objnest'><span><span>";
mid += "<div class='e efirst'><span><span>";
result += "<div class='e efirst'><span><span>";
result += gather(this.first, mid, function(item) {
XXX suppress quotes around item.key when unnecessary
return span("objkey", html_escape(str_escape(item.key)) + ": ") +
with_prec(0, render)(item);
result += span("exprend", ""); // cap the final element
indentation -= 1;
result += "</span></span></div>";
result += "</span></span></div>";
result += nl();
result += "<div class='e econt'><span><span>";
result +=span("exprright newobj", "}");
return result;
Binary ASTs
dispatch.binary = function() {
assert(dispatch.binary[this.value], this);
return dispatch.binary[this.value].apply(this);
var binary = function(op, prec, f) {
with_prec_paren will add parentheses if necessary
dispatch.binary[op] = f || with_prec_paren(prec, function() {
var result = render(this.first)+span("binop",' '+this.value+' ');
handle left associativity
result += with_prec(prec+1, render)(this.second);
return result;
binary('=', 10);
binary('+=', 10);
binary('-=', 10);
binary('||', 30);
binary('&&', 35);
binary('<', 45);
binary('>', 45);
binary('+', 50);
binary('-', 50);
binary('*', 60);
binary('/', 60);
binary(".", 80, with_prec_paren(80, function() {
assert(this.second.arity==='literal', this.second);
return render(this.first)+span("binop", ".")+this.second.value;
binary('[', 80, with_prec_paren(80, function() {
return render(this.first) + "[" +
with_prec(0, render)(this.second) + "]";
binary('(', 80, with_prec_paren(80, function() {
simple method invocation (doesn't set 'this')
return render(this.first) + "(" +
gather(this.second, ", ", with_prec(0, render)) + ")";
Ternary ASTs
dispatch.ternary = function() {
assert(dispatch.ternary[this.value], this);
return dispatch.ternary[this.value].apply(this);
var ternary = function(op, prec, f) {
dispatch.ternary[op] = with_prec_paren(prec, f);
ternary("?", 20, function() {
return render(this.first) + " ? " +
render(this.second) + " : " +
ternary("(", 80, function() {
precedence is 80, same as . and '(')
assert(this.second.arity==='literal', this.second);
return render(this.first) + "<span class='binop'>.</span>" + this.second.value + "(" +
gather(this.third, ", ", with_prec(0, render)) + ")";
dispatch.statement = function() {
assert(dispatch.statement[this.value], this);
return dispatch.statement[this.value].apply(this);
var stmt = function(value, f) {
dispatch.statement[value] = f;
stmt("block", function() {
var result = "{";
if (this.first.length > 0) {
indentation += 1;
result += nl() + render_stmts(this.first);
indentation -= 1;
result += nl() + "}";
return result;
stmt("var", function() {
return div("stmt", span("", "var "+render(this.first)+";"));
stmt("if", function() {
var result = "if ("+render(this.first)+") ";
this.second.value === block
result += render(this.second);
if (this.third) {
result += " else ";
result += render(this.third);
return result;
stmt("return", function() {
return div("stmt", span("", span("keyword","return")+(this.first ? (" "+render(this.first)) : "")+span("semi", ";")));
stmt("break", function() {
return div("stmt", span("", span("keyword", "break")+span("semi",";")));
stmt("while", function() {
return "while ("+render(this.first)+") "+render(this.second);
Odd cases
dispatch['this'] = function() { return span("expr lit", "this"); }; // literal
dispatch['function'] = with_prec(0, function() {
var result = "function";
if ( { result += " " + html_escape(; }
result += " (" + gather(this.first, ", ", render) + ") {";
result = span("exprleft func", result);
result += "</span>"+span("connect funcconn","")+"</span></div>";
XXX fix "one line" form.
if (this.second.length > 0) {
indentation += 1;
result += nl();
result += "<div class='e enest funcnest'><span><span>";
XXX make function body context
result += render_stmts(this.second); // function body
indentation -= 1;
result += "</span></span></div>";
result += nl();
result += "<div class='e econt'><span><span>";
result +=span("exprright func", "}");
return result;
render = function(tree) {
make 'this' the parse tree in the dispatched function.
assert(dispatch[tree.arity], tree);
return dispatch[tree.arity].apply(tree);
render_stmt = function(tree) {
if (tree.arity==='statement') {
return render(tree);
an "expression statement"
result = "<div class='stmt'><span>";
XXX some bridge to make a expr holder
result += "<div class='e efirst'><span><span>";
result += render(tree);
result += "<span class='exprend semi'>;</span>"; // cap off the end
result += "</span></span></div>"; // close the expression context
result += "</span></div>"; // close the statement
return result;
render_stmts = function(tree_list) {
return gather(tree_list, nl(), render_stmt);
return function (parse_tree) {
parse_tree should be an array of statements.
indentation = 0;
prec_stack = [ 0 ];
return render_stmts(parse_tree);